Alexander Margulis Gold Medals 2023
Hedvig Hricak
Prof. Hedvig Hricak was awarded the 2023 Alexander Margulis Gold Medal at the 15th IS3R Biennial Symposium.

Prof. Hedvig Hricak
Prof. Hricak holds the Carroll and Milton Petrie Chair of Radiology at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (MSK), New York, NY. She is a member of the Department of Radiology at Memorial Hospital and is also a member of the Molecular Pharmacology and Chemistry Program of Sloan Kettering Institute, Professor, Gerstner Sloan Kettering Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, and Professor of Radiology, Weill Cornell College of Medicine, New York, NY.
Born in Croatia, Prof. Hricak earned her medical degree from the University of Zagreb. Following her residency and a brief period on the faculty at Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit, MI, she joined the faculty of the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF), where she became a professor of radiology, radiation oncology, urology, and gynecology. While at UCSF, she earned her Dr. Med. Sc./Ph.D. from the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden. In 1999, she joined the faculty of MSK as Chair of the Department of Radiology, a position she held for more than two decades. Under her leadership, the department continued to advance the field of oncologic imaging through cutting-edge research, education, and clinical care and became one of the top ten radiology departments in the United States with regard to funding received from the National Institutes of Health.
A highly prolific author, Prof. Hricak has published over 500 peer-reviewed original research articles, reviews, and editorials, as well as numerous books and book chapters. Her academic career has focused on developing, translating, and disseminating new diagnostic imaging techniques, primarily for genitourinary cancers. The imaging applications she helped develop include the use of ultrasound, MRI and CT for gynecological cancers, and the use of MRI and MR spectroscopy for prostate cancer. She is actively engaged in facilitating the development and implementation of integrated diagnostics in oncology. In addition, through her work with The Lancet Oncology Commissions, the International Atomic Energy Agency and the Breast Cancer Research Foundation, she is involved in global health initiatives to improve access to cancer imaging and care.
Over the course of her career, Prof. Hricak has trained and mentored countless radiologists and researchers, many of whom have gone on to hold leadership positions at prestigious institutions in the United States and around the world. She continues to help train and mentor a wide range of individuals, from high school and undergraduate students to fellows and faculty, and she is heavily involved in efforts to increase diversity in the biomedical research workforce pipeline.
Prof. Hricak’s many leadership roles have included President of the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA), President of the Academy for Radiology & Biomedical Imaging Research, and President of the International Society for Strategic Studies in Radiology. She is an elected member of the National Academy of Medicine (NAM), from which she received the David Rall Medal for Distinguished Leadership (she remains the only radiologist to have received this prestigious leadership award). She has also served on the Nuclear and Radiation Studies Board of the National Academies, the Scientific Advisory Board of the National Cancer Institute, and the Advisory Council of the National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering, and she is currently a member of the National Cancer Policy Forum of the National Academies.
In recognition of her research accomplishments and leadership in promoting education and international collaboration to advance cancer imaging, Prof. Hricak has received numerous awards and honors, including the gold medals of the RSNA, the European Society of Radiology, the Asian Oceanian Society of Radiology, and the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and 22 honorary fellowships or memberships from societies on five continents. She has also received the Order of the Croatian Morning Star of Katarina Zrinska Presidential Award of Croatia and holds honorary doctorates from the Ludwig Maximilian University, Munich, Germany and the University of Toulouse III, Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, France.
Gabriel Krestin
Prof. Gabriel P. Krestin was awarded the 2023 Alexander Margulis Gold Medal at the 15th IS3R Biennial Symposium.

Prof. Gabriel Krestin
Prof. Krestin is emeritus professor of Radiology at Erasmus MC, University Medical Center Rotterdam, the Netherlands. He is presently board member and advisor to companies in the field of medical technology. Prof. Krestin was born in Romania and emigrated to Germany in 1974. He graduated in medicine at the University of Cologne in Germany in 1981 and completed residency training in radiology in 1988 and his PhD thesis (Habilitation) in 1989 at the same institution. In 1990, Prof. Krestin moved to the Department of Radiology at the University Hospital in Zürich, Switzerland where he became associate professor and later full professor
of radiology and head of the clinical radiology service. Between 1995 and May 1997 he was the acting chair of the same department before he moved to Rotterdam
to become professor and chair of the Department of Radiology and later of the Department of Radiology & Nuclear Medicine at Erasmus MC in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. Between 1998 and 2010 he was a permanent Visiting Professor at Stanford University Medical School. Between 2012 and 2021 Prof. Krestin was the Chair of the Division Diagnostics & Advise at Erasmus MC and member of the Managing Board of the medical staff. Between 2017 and 2018 he was also the interim head of the hospital pharmacy department. He retired from his chair position by the end of 2021.
Prof. Krestin is a member of numerous national and international societies. He served as President of ESMRMB, ESR, and IS3R (2013-2017), and served on the editorial and advisory boards of numerous international journals. He was the Couch-Kerley Traveling Professor to the Royal College of Radiologists in the UK in 2003, he received the Albers Schönberg Medal of DRG, the Schinz Medal of the Swiss Society of Medical Radiology and the Gold Medals of the European Society of Radiology and of the Asian-Oceanian Society of Radiology. He was the recipient of the International Prize for Arts and Culture “Sebetia-ter” of the President of the Italian Republic, and was awarded the honorary membership of the Hungarian, Italian, Belgian, Spanish, Swiss, French, Colombian, Romanian, Serbian, North American (RSNA), Israeli, and Chinese Societies of Radiology as well as the Honorary Membership of ESMRMB and of the SAR. Prof. Krestin is an honorary fellow of the American College of Radiology and of the Royal College of Radiologists in the UK. In October 2017 he was elected to the National Academy of Medicine (US). In 2021 he was named the most influential radiology researcher in Europe by AuntMinnie and in 2022 he became a knight in the order of the Dutch Lion.
He is author of over 470 original articles and over 70 book chapters, and editor of 7 books some of which have been translated in several languages. His main areas of research are imaging of abdominal organs and cardio-vascular diseases, molecular imaging and population imaging. His research was supported by numerous grants from European and national research organizations, charities and industry.
Prof. Krestin has extensive experience in leadership, management, and strategic planning. He was founder of MIR (Management in Radiology) and of EIBIR (the European Institute of Biomedical Imaging Research) and was its Scientific Director from 2014-2023. He was a strategic advisor to GE Healthcare Europe and member of numerous scientific advisory boards to companies and academic organizations among which the Scientific Board of the Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich, the Board of Governors and Academic Committee of the Technion Institute in Israel, and the Wallenberg Foundation in Sweden. Prof. Krestin was a member of the Scientific Panel for Health, the highest advisory committee to the EC during Horizon2020.
Prof. Krestin founded and successfully exited Quantib BV an AI company in the field of image analysis. He is presently a Board member of FLUIDDA NV, of LeQuest BV, and of Holand PTC, and a senior strategic advisor to Bracco S.p.A., to GLEAMER-AI, NanoX-Vision, and Synaptive Medical. He also advises VC and PE companies in Germany and the Netherlands.