



28-30 August 2025
Dublin, IE


IS3R Global Scan

The IS3R Global Scan features articles on initiatives addressing strategic issues in the field of radiology and carried out by the major radiological societies among the IS3R’s member organizations.





American College of Radiology (ACR)

Resources for a Changing Workforce Amid Rising Demand for Imaging Services
2024 Update: Quality Payment Program and Merit-based Incentive Payment System

Under the Quality Payment Program, clinicians can participate in either the Merit-based Incentive Payment System or in Advanced Alternative Payment Models to avoid downward payment adjustments and potentially receive upward Medicare payment adjustments. The ACR’s 2024 update explores changes in bonus points, an increased performance threshold, and fewer radiology-specific measures.

ACR Offers International Recognition Program for Quality and Safety

ACR will soon offer non-U.S. imaging facilities recognition for meeting current ACR accreditation standards. Facilities will submit self-assessment documentation for verification. No clinical or phantom images required. Watch for updates.

ARCH-AI supports practices in safely incorporating AI

The first national artificial intelligence quality assurance program for radiology facilities, ARCH-AI outlines expert consensus-based building blocks of infrastructure, processes and governance in AI implementation in real-world practice. Participation in ARCH-AI can help radiology practices provide safe and effective implementation of AI products and help radiologists provide better, more efficient patient care.

Spanish translations of the ACR Appropriateness Criteria

The ACR Appropriateness Criteria are now being translated to Spanish. These evidence-based guidelines assist referring physicians and other providers in making the most appropriate imaging or treatment decision for a specific clinical condition. The first batch of translations focused on high-priority topics in mammography, neurology, and urology. Access these freely available resources on the ACR website.


Radiology Health Equity Update

Two years after its founding, the coalition continues to grow, with almost 900 individuals taking the pledge to advance health equity in their practices and to reduce health disparities in radiology. New resources include the Community of Practice webinar series focusing on real use cases and strategies to make change in day-to-day operations. The Radiology Health Equity Symposium runs through Jan. 2024 and includes live and on-demand virtual sessions.


Updated Recommendations for Incidental Findings

The ACR and the American College of Emergency Physicians released landmark guidance to help health systems, physicians and other clinicians improve patient outcomes by addressing actionable incidental findings in emergency department imaging. The open-access white paper, “Best Practices in the Communication and Management of Actionable Incidental Findings in Emergency Department Imaging,” published in the Journal of the American College of Radiology, concentrates on four areas of consensus between the specialties: 1) report elements and structure; 2) communication of findings with patients; 3) communication of findings with clinicians; and 4) follow-up and tracking systems. Read the complete guidance in the Journal of the American College of Radiology.


Alzheimer’s Network for Treatment and Diagnostics (ALZ-NET)

Clinical trials for Alzheimer’s disease are ushering in a new era of molecular-specific therapies. A national registry represents an opportunity to evaluate the longitudinal outcomes of patients treated with any novel FDA-approved therapy in real-world settings, to inform clinical practice. ALZ-NET will collect longitudinal clinical and safety data for enrolled patients treated with novel FDA-approved Alzheimer’s therapies and will track patient long-term health outcomes, associated with use in real-world settings. ALZ-NET aims to assess the clinical course of individuals from a variety of backgrounds and communities, to achieve representativeness beyond the populations historically enrolled in clinical trials. Learn more and consider registering to become a participating site today.


New ACR Appropriateness Criteria Released

In October 2022, the ACR released one new topic and eight revised topics to support referring physicians and other providers in making the most appropriate imaging or treatment decisions. The new topic covers Workup of Noncerebral Systemic Arterial Embolic Source and supports providers in responding to this serious health condition.

With these new additions, the Appropriateness Criteria now include 222 diagnostic imaging and interventional radiology topics with 1,050 clinical variants covering approximately 3,000 clinical scenarios. In addition, patient-friendly summaries, a tool to help patients understand what tests are appropriate for their situation and enhance communication from ordering physicians and radiologists, are available for numerous topics. An animated video series kicked off in October, focusing first on breast cancer topics.


New ACR Breast Cancer Screening Guidelines for High-Risk Women

In an open-access article in the JACR, new guidelines call for earlier and more intensive screening for high-risk women. The May 2023 guidance now calls for all women — particularly Black and Ashkenazi Jewish women — to have risk assessment by age 25 to determine if screening earlier than age 40 is needed. The ACR continues to recommend annual screening starting at age 40 for women of average risk, and earlier and more intensive screening for high-risk patients. Updated recommendations also affect women with genetics-based increased risk (including BRCA1 carriers), those with a calculated lifetime risk of 20% or more, those exposed to chest radiation at a young age, and women diagnosed with breast cancer prior to age 50 or with personal history of breast cancer and dense breasts. Access the complete guidelines in the Journal of the American College of Radiology.


Leadership Training Supports Radiologists in Sub-Saharan Africa

The ACR Radiology Leadership Institute and the International Society of Radiology are collaborating on a leadership program tailored to the practice environments in Sub-Saharan Africa. The virtual program will focus on foundational leadership principles. The pilot program will include radiologists in Zambia, who will participate in on-demand training modules and a hands-on workshop with customized cases. As the program develops, the organizers plan to expand to radiologists in other parts of the world.


New Breast Cancer Screening Guidelines from ACR and SBI

New ACR and Society of Breast Imaging (SBI) breast cancer screening guidelines call for heightened screening attention for transgender individuals, Black women, and other often overlooked or underserved populations. The ACR and SBI continue to recommend that women have a risk assessment at age 30 to see if screening prior to age 40 is needed, and those at average breast cancer risk should still begin screening at age 40. The new guidelines also provide guidance for transgender patients, who may face factors such as hormone use and surgical histories place that place them at increased risk for breast cancer. In addition, the societies recommend that women continue screening past age 74, unless severe comorbidities limit life expectancy. Read the guidelines in the Journal of the American College of Radiology.


COVID Resources Across the Pandemic

The ACR has continued its work to guide radiology through the various stages of the pandemic. The ACR provides up-to-date resources to help the radiology community battle the coronavirus and strengthen radiology practices. Resources cover areas like well-being, economic and regulatory updates, leadership, and clinical research (including the ACR National Clinical Imaging Research Registry™, which collects images and clinical data from multiple practice settings). In addition, open-access JACR articles spanning the pandemic have guided individuals and practices in decision-making in a quickly changing environment. The College will continue to add to these resources and support the specialty as healthcare, physicians, and patients recover from the pandemic.


Health Equity Coalition Update

The Radiology Health Equity Coalition has formed with eight founding members organizations (American Board of Radiology, ACR, Association of University Radiologists, American Medical Association Radiology Section Council, National Medical Association Radiology and Radiation Oncology Council, RSNA, Society of Chairs of Academic Radiology Departments, and Society of Interventional Radiology). The group is committed to making a long-term positive impact on health equity disparities in imaging and image-guided intervention. The Coalition’s Commit to Act pledge has over 600 participants and the group is developing best practices and volunteer opportunities to empower radiology professionals to drive improved outcomes for those impacted by regional, racial, and economic-related healthcare inequities. The Coalition is focusing on amplifying existing opportunities, e.g., RAD-AID USA, and researching and developing community-level models of radiologist engagement in patient-facing solutions to improve access to imaging care.


Radiology Health Equity Coalition

The Radiology Health Equity Coalition will bring together the radiology community to address health disparities and measurably change outcomes. The “Mobilization Team” includes representatives from the American College of Radiology, American Roentgen Ray Society, Association of University Radiologists, Radiological Society of North America, Society of Chairs of Academic Radiology Departments, Society of Interventional Radiology, and American Board of Radiology as well as from the Radiology Section Councils of both the American Medical Association and National Medical Association. The intent is to involve as many radiology societies, organizations, and individuals as possible. This mobilized network of patient-focused radiologists will collect and disseminate resources and best practices, advocate for and connect with patients and community members, and collaborate on programs and services to empower others to act.

As the coalition comes together, individuals can sign on to “Commit to Act” to advance health equity in their practices and to reduce health disparities in radiology. Specialty-wide efforts will focus on systemic change that will be only be possible with all of radiology coming together to make a difference.


ACR Launches National Clinical Imaging Research Registry™

The ACR has launched the ACR National Clinical Imaging Research Registry™ (ANCIRR), a set of data registries, to collect and curate case images and anonymized patient data from multiple practice settings to produce large data sets that support scientific research, AI development, and regulatory submissions. The ANCIRR will use the ACR Informatics platform, including TRIAD™ and ACR Connect™, for seamless data and image collection.

The ANCIRR differs from the National Radiology Data Registry (NRDR®), which receives data from facilities to enable practice quality improvement through site feedback and benchmarking against peers. Six active registries make up the ANCIRR suite, and eight more are in development. The data from these registries will enable researchers to address complex scientific questions and produce results applicable across various diseases, care settings, geographic locations, and populations.

The ANCIRR is a primary data collection pathway for the National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering-funded Medical Imaging and Data Resource Center (MIDRC), a joint project with RSNA and AAPM, which may become the largest COVID-19 medical imaging archive in the world. Sites can sign up to contribute data and access aggregated information via the registries.


Adapting to a Changed World

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, the ACR is adapting its resources to meet member and patient needs. At the start of the COVID-19 outbreak, most non-emergent healthcare was halted — including cancer screening. Unfortunately, cancer incidence does not stop with the pandemic. For some patients, skipping or postponing screening now could mean a delayed diagnosis, an increased cancer burden, and/or worse outcomes in the future. The #ReturntoCare coalition encourages patients to resume necessary care, including screening, and outlines for practices how to ramp back up safely.

In addition, the ACR released guidance for imaging practices preparing to reopen safely, including patient-focused resources and a mammography-focused toolkit to help referring clinicians reconnect with women ages 40 and older and encourage them to schedule yearly mammograms postponed by the pandemic. This information is part of the ACR’s library of resources to help the radiology community battle the coronavirus and strengthen radiology practices during the pandemic.


Imaging for Dementia

Upon the successful collaboration and involvement in the Imaging Dementia-Evidence for Amyloid Scanning (IDEAS) study published in JAMA, the ACR Center for Research and Innovation is continuing collaboration with the Alzheimer’s Association and study leadership on a new study. In April 2020, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) approved the study protocol for the project titled New IDEAS: Imaging Dementia—Evidence for Amyloid Scanning. New IDEAS builds off the historic momentum of the IDEAS Study, which provided the strongest Phase IV data to date supporting the clinical utility of amyloid PET scanning.

Expanding on the aims of the original IDEAS Study, New IDEAS will focus on a more diverse population, including over 50% recruitment of Black/African American and Hispanic/Latino study participants, individuals with typical vs. atypical clinical presentations of MCI and Alzheimer’s dementia, and individuals with early-onset cognitive impairment (<65 years of age). Tailored recruitment strategies will be implemented at the national and local level to ensure inclusion of these underrepresented populations. It is anticipated that this will allow for better understanding of the impact of amyloid PET scans on care management and health outcomes in a more diverse population of dementia patients with diagnostic uncertainty. New IDEAS will also collect biological samples to be stored in the New IDEAS Biorepository to test and validate emerging genetic and plasma biomarkers for Alzheimer’s and other dementia.



ACR Responds to COVID-19

As the pandemic unfolds, the ACR is empowering members with a growing number of COVID-related resources. Projects include (but are not limited to):

  • Providing early guidance to postpone non-urgent care, the role of imaging in COVID-19 diagnosis, provider safety, how to safely resume non-urgent care [LINK TO COME TUESDAY], and apply for Small Business Administration (SBA) and US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) financial relief. Collaborating with other medical societies to develop and share information throughout the healthcare community.
  • Creating educational materials to support members in updating their knowledge on chest imaging and familiarizing themselves with the imaging related to COVID diagnoses. Preserving resident and fellow training with an array of assessments, programs, and benefits.
  • Furthering the scholarly literature behind imaging and COVID, with peer-reviewed JACR articles. Telling member stories and sharing firsthand knowledge via the ACR Bulletin and Imaging 3.0. All coverage is freely available, including Spanish translations of select JACR articles.
  • Dedicating Data Science Institute resources to launching a real-time COVID-19 case repository for immediate submission and distribution of COVID-19 cases between facilities, collecting use cases for COVID-related AI algorithms, and developing additional tools.
  • Constructing a COVID registry to inform optimal care and provide research opportunities across multiple specialties.
  • Advocating for the specialty in fast-moving COVID-related legislation and initiatives already in progress.

The ACR is helping radiology professionals make informed decisions in the battle against coronavirus. The College is monitoring the specialty’s needs and adapting quickly to enable ACR members to provide the best care for their patients and support their colleagues through the pandemic. We suspect that many of the IS3R members are making similar efforts in their countries, and sharing of these and other ideas can inform a more rapid return to optimizing care globally.


Well-Being and Burnout

Stress, depression, anxiety and fatigue. As radiologists, we face these all-too-familiar symptoms at a distressingly high frequency. What does it amount to? A growing and dangerous challenge faced by physicians everywhere—burnout. According to the 2019 Medscape Radiology Lifestyle Report, almost half of radiologists surveyed admitted to symptoms of burnout. It has become abundantly clear we must work together to combat this issue.

To meet this need, we’ve created the American College of Radiology (ACR) Radiologist Well-Being Program for all ACR members:

  • The proven and trusted Well-Being Index (WBI) survey tool, created by the Mayo Clinic to help physicians anonymously self-evaluate their level of well-being
  • A toolkit of radiologist-specific articles and resources on critical well-being topics such as work-life balance, health behavior, emotional concerns, relationships and more, all accessible within the WBI
  • A well-being curriculum with educational wellness resources appropriate for residents, medical students and career physicians
  • A well-being curriculum for program directors and coordinators to use in their radiology residency programs, aligned with ACMGE well-being requirements


Data Science

The American College of Radiology Data Science Institute™ is collaborating with a variety of stakeholders throughout healthcare on the development and implementation of artificial intelligence applications that will help radiology professionals improve patient care.

With our panels of specialty experts, we have developed and published 140 freely available use cases for AI development in our Define-AI Directory. Our use cases provide guidance on clinical context as well as some of the key technical specifications that algorithm developers need in order to help the radiological community address the problems most amenable to AI solutions. Anyone can submit an AI use case idea through the portal. From there, the ideas are considered by panels of subspecialty experts who determine which will be developed into viable use cases. As part of its efforts, the DSI works to partner with other societies to democratize data science development. In addition, The Journal of the American College of Radiology recently added data science as an area of focus and released a special issue on quality and data science.

To accelerate the education and understanding of AI, the ACR launched ACR AI-LAB™.  AI-LAB offers radiologists tools designed to help them learn the basics of AI and create, evaluate, and optimize models for their own investigational use. This platform is not limited to ACR members.

We are also working closely with the FDA on tools to validate algorithm readiness (Certify-AI) and monitor performance while in production (Assess-AI) in order to ensure safe and effective use in the United States as well as streamline the FDA review process. Learn more here or contact us about becoming involved.




Asian Oceanian Society of Radiology (AOSR)

The 2025 Asian Oceanian Congress of Radiology (AOCR2025)

Riding on the success of the special session on Value-Based Radiology in AOCR 2024, we will be having another VBR workshop on Leadership and Communication during the coming AOCR in Chennai, India, from 23-26 January 2025. Stay tuned at

AOSR Sustainability Working Group Established

In September 2024, the AOSR established a sustainability working group (SWG). The aim of the SWG is to promote awareness, thought leadership and best practices for sustainability in radiology. A Go-Green survey is underway to establish baseline interest and gaps in knowledge to guide next steps.

A sustainability track has also been added to the scientific program of the AOCR2025. Efforts will be made to promote a specific submission category for papers/abstracts in sustainability in conferences of AOSR members including the AOCR to encourage research in this area.

AOSR Position Statements on Artificial Intelligence (AI), July 2024

AOSR recognizes the increasing popularity and concerns in using AI solutions in medical imaging, particularly in the adoption and implementation in clinical practice. Access the publication, Position Statements of the Emerging Trends Committee of the AOSR on the Adoption and Implementation of Artificial Intelligence for Radiology here

The primary aim is to raise the awareness amongst the general public, promote professional interest and discussion, clarify ethical considerations when implementing AI technology, and engage the radiology profession in the ever-changing clinical practice.


In 2024, AsiaSafe ran a series on Diagnostic Reference levels (4 webinars); MR Safety series (3 webinars) and collaborated with the IAEA for a webinar on Theranostics. MR Safety efforts has culminated in a Call for Action (soon to be published).

AOSR Revamped Website

The AOSR has revamped its website with a section devoted to the AOSR history to enable appreciation of the challenges in its journey.

AOSR Position Statement on Radiologists as Clinicians

In September 2023, AOSR issued a Position Statement on Radiologists as Clinicians. It emphasizes the critical role of radiologists in the multidisciplinary clinical team that enables the delivery of quality health care to patients. Administrative support from healthcare authorities with adequate resources allocation is of paramount importance. This echoes the AOSR Value Based Initiative.


Quality, Safety and Standards: Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) in Radiology Departments

IPC is important in the prevention of hospital acquired infections (HAI). Towards the end of 2023, the AOSR Quality, Safety and Standards committee conducted a survey in the Asia-Oceania region. This was to gain insights on IPC in radiology departments and guide the potential development of an AOSR IPC policy to enhance patient safety across the region. The findings have been submitted for publication.

AOSR President attended IS3R 2023

Our President, Prof. Noriyuki Tomiyama, attended the 15th Biennial International Symposium of the International Society for Strategic Studies in Radiology from 24-26 August 2023 in Berlin, Germany. He has shared the AOSR initiatives during the Value-Based Radiology session. The session was very well attended with excellent feedbacks.


Advancing Value Based Radiology in AOSR

Following through on the plan to focus on improving communications, promoting appropriate use guidelines and structured reporting, the AOSR held a very well attended webinar on the theme of ‘The Connected Radiologist’ on Jan 17, 2023. The key messages were the importance of communication and the need for radiologists being more visible. View the webinar on our AOSR’s YouTube Channel.

The AOSR is planning a special session on Communications and Leadership during the Asian Oceanian Congress of Radiology 2024 in Chinese Taipei. Stay tuned at



The 2024 Asian Oceanian Congress of Radiology (AOCR2024)

The 2024 Asian Oceanian Congress of Radiology (AOCR2024)
The AOCR 2024 will be held in Chinese Taipei in March 2024. A special session on Value-Based Radiology – ‘How to lead the way in becoming a visible radiologist?’ will be held on 22 March 2024. It will be in the form of lectures, followed by breakout small group immersive workshop, followed by a wrap up session. Stay tuned at Promotional videos and posters will be used to encourage attendance. This is the continued AOSR initiative to advance VBR in our region in the realm of communications.


Teamwork and Collaboration in Promoting Radiological Safety in Diagnosis and Therapy

Radiologists, radiographers, radiological technologists and medical physicists should work as a team to promote radiological safety in diagnosis and therapy. AOSR’s AsiaSafe in collaboration with the International Society of Radiographers and Radiological Technologists (ISRRT) has organized a series of webinars which began in March 2023. It stresses on the importance of collaboration, methods deployed and no-blame culture to promote radiation safety amongst the various allied disciplines of radiology, radiation oncology/therapy and nuclear medicine/hybrid imaging. View the webinars on AOSR’s YouTube Channel.



The 2023 Asian Oceanian Congress of Radiology (AOCR2023)

The AOCR 2023 in Bangkok, Thailand in February 2023, was a very successful hybrid event, despite the threat of a surge of COVID-19 infections towards the tail end of the pandemic. The theme was ‘Redefining the Possibilities in Medicine’. There were over 1,100 participants from around the world. There was also a joint session with the ESR on Quality and Safety where AOSR’s AsiaSafe participated.



Advancing AI in Asia Oceania

The AOSR Emerging Trends Committee held with the collaboration of the host organizers of the Asian Oceanian Congress of Radiology 2023, ‘AI in Practice: Reimagining Radiology’ which garnered strong interest and resulted in active panel discussions. It addressed the importance of AI beyond image quality and efficiency, but also its integration into our daily practice to bring the radiology field to a brighter future.

The first AOSR-wide AI webinar of the year, held on April 29, 2023 on the theme of ‘Bringing AI Solutions into Radiology’ explored the very important but often underestimated aspects: technical, legal and ethics in AI implementation in radiology practice.



AOSR Organises Webinars and Establishes Social Media Platforms

Since December 2021, AOSR has organised a series of webinars on Radiation Safety, MR Safety and practical issues in Artificial Intelligence. The webinars have been made available on our newly established AOSR YouTube channel.

To enhance communication with our members and partners, we have established several social media platforms as follow :

Website    :
Facebook    :
Instagram    :
Telegram    :
Twitter    :
YouTube    :


Highlights from the Asian Oceania Society of Radiology

As AOSR is celebrating our 50th anniversary in 2021, we are at the same time expanding our regional role in Education, Emerging Trends, as well as Quality, Safety and Standards through the newly formed committees.

The AOSOR (Asian Oceanian School of Radiology) was conceived in 2012, aiming to promote educational activities to all AOSR member societies. On-site activities have been disrupted in the past 2 years with all conjoint sessions either postponed or moved online/hybrid. The AOSOR Youth Club was created to nurture potential future AOSR leaders. Being suspended for 2 years due to COVID-19 pandemic, it is hoped to resume in 2022. There are now discussions to introduce AOSOR Mentorship programs.

Way back in 2017, AOSR mooted the formation of AsiaSafe. It was officially launched in July 2021 to promote radiation safety in the region. This is a great platform for the sharing of guidelines and safety resources related to Radiology, extending it beyond just radiation safety. Content development will be an ongoing effort.

Recently, AOSR is carrying out a baseline survey on the practice pertaining to MRI safety among member societies. Points of interest included checklists and protocols, zoning, screening and guidelines, and training. The survey results will offer a comprehensive picture of how MRI safety has evolved across the AOSR region and identify the deficiencies. With the data obtained, we can be more focused to promote MRI safety awareness, through the production and dissemination of educational materials and videos.

COVID-19 and delta variant is a major public health issue that impacts every country. In our 18th AOCR which was held in April 2021, we had a dedicated symposium on ‘Management of Radiological Departments in COVID-19 Pandemic’, giving an excellent chance for member societies to exchange their knowledge and experience in fighting against the pandemic.

In the days ahead, we are planning to develop a database of internationally recommended reporting templates, to ensure our member societies get access to resources that improve standardization of good clinical practice in Radiology. Also, we will explore organizing more educational activities to member societies with less international connections, hoping to uphold the standard of Radiology in the region, and eliminating inequalities in healthcare.

AOSR Advances Value Based Radiology Initiatives

From May to June 2022, a value based radiology (VBR) survey was conducted aiming to increase awareness and find out the baseline practice. The preliminary and insightful survey report was circulated in August. A Presidents’ Roundtable was conducted in October 2022 to discuss the survey findings and decide on what practical and realistic approaches AOSR should undertake, given the wide geographical area and diversity in resources in Asia-Oceania. The plan is to focus on improving communications skills with both patients and all stakeholders,  promote and assist the development of appropriate use of guidelines and structured reporting.


AOSR Publishes Statement on Multidisciplinary Approach to Patient Care

In July 2022, AOSR issued a Position Statement on the Multidisciplinary Approach to Patient Care, emphasising the integral and indispensable role of radiologists and its allied professionals in the multidisciplinary team that enables optimal personalized patient care. Administrative support from management on resources allocation is crucial for the success. This also forms part of the AOSR Value Based Initiative.




European Society of Radiology (ESR)

Value-based radiology initiatives: What works?

In advancing Value-based radiology, it’s essential to go beyond traditional metrics like sensitivity and specificity, focusing instead on the broader impact of radiology exams and innovations on health care accessibility, patient outcomes, care pathways, and resource allocation. By embracing metrics that capture patient-centered outcomes, we can demonstrate the tangible value radiology brings to healthcare delivery.

A critical component of value and quality improvement in radiology is monitoring user experience from both patients as referring physicians. Integrating a 360-degree feedback mechanism, which combines structured approaches like formal surveys with unstructured feedback from multidisciplinary rounds, enhances care quality, builds trust, and strengthens engagement with both stakeholders and service users.

To solidify radiology’s strategic role, we must increase visibility within hospitals, actively collaborate with other specialists, and embed radiologists in clinical teams. This strategic integration ensures that radiology insights directly inform clinical decisions, affirming radiology’s essential role in comprehensive patient care.

For further information or collaboration opportunities, please contact the chair of the ESR Value-based radiology Subcommittee Jacob J. Visser at

Putting Patients in Focus

Over the past year the ESR has made efforts to increase its engagement with patients through a number of events and initiatives.

At the European Congress of Radiology 2022, the Patients in Focus programme was organised in close collaboration with the ESR Patient Advisory Group (PAG), a group of patients, imaging professionals and other healthcare stakeholders whose primary goal is to positively influence advances in the field of medical imaging to the benefit of patients in Europe.

With the support of the ESR PAG, 14 sessions were held at the July congress with the aim of improving communication between patient and doctor. Invited speakers included patients, radiologists, radiographers, and representatives from other medical disciplines. The event was freely open to the public and was complemented with social events, interviews and a collection of e-posters produced by radiologists and patients. These sessions are available to watch on demand, for free, on ESR Connect.

ECR 2022 also saw the launch of Be accepted, a new campaign founded by ESR-PAG Chair Caroline Justich that helps women with cancer. Supported by the ESR, Be accepted will use its magazine and website to reach out to women who have recently been diagnosed, providing them with personal insights from patients and doctors, lifestyle hacks and positive articles to help them fight their disease.

In March 2022, the ESR-PAG also published the paper “What radiologists need to know about patients’ expectations” to highlight patients’ expectations from the radiological community, in an effort to improve patient–radiologist communication. The paper was published with an accompanying poster highlighting the motto ‘PATIENTS CARERS AIMS’ for use in imaging departments.

The PAG also regularly contributes and reviews patient summaries for official ESR scientific publications and statements, to increase patients’ understanding of radiology and in a bid to make health information understandable to all.

Radiology community leads flagship of European Cancer Imaging Initiative

The European Union Cancer Plan is focused on cancer prevention, treatment, and care through a new integrated, health-in-all-policies, and multi-stakeholder approach.

The European Society of Radiology (ESR) urged European policymakers to recognise the key role of imaging and is pleased to see that the European Cancer Imaging Initiative was launched as one of the flagships of the Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan in January 2023. The initiative aims to foster innovation and deployment of digital technologies in cancer treatment and care, to achieve more precise and faster clinical decision-making, diagnostics, treatments and predictive medicine for cancer patients.

The European Cancer Imaging Initiative will work towards linking up resources and databases to an open, available and user-friendly infrastructure of cancer images for all stakeholders. This infrastructure will support the development and benchmarking, testing and piloting of tools for personalised medicine, essentially offering a foundation for next generation of cancer diagnostics and treatments.

The cornerstone of the initiative will be a federated European infrastructure for cancer images data, developed by the EUropean Federation for CAncer IMages (EUCAIM) project funded under the DIGITAL programme. The European imaging community ably took the lead in setting up this important infrastructure. EUCAIM is scientifically led by Prof. Luis Martí-Bonmatí, Director of the Medical Imaging Department, Chairman of Radiology, La Fe University and Polytechnic Hospital (Valencia, Spain) and coordinated by the European Institute for Biomedical Imaging Research (EIBIR), established by and headquartered at the ESR in Vienna, Austria.

EUCAIM will address the fragmentation of existing cancer image repositories and establish a distributed Atlas of Cancer Imaging with over 60 million anonymised cancer image data from over 100,000 patients, accessible to clinicians, researchers and innovators across the EU for the development and benchmarking of trustworthy AI tools.

EUCAIM will define the legal grounds for operation on a pan-European scale, adapting to the particularities of different countries on managing clinical data defining common data models, ontologies, quality standards, FAIR principles and de-identification procedures in alignment with the European Health Data Spaces initiative toward a sustainable flagship repository of high-quality data and tools.

Bringing together 76 partners from 14 EU member states, EUCAIM follows an inclusive, collaborative approach and will interact with a plethora of stakeholders to ensure uptake at political level in Member States and wide use of the infrastructure by clinicians, researchers and innovators. Clinical data providers will be invited to join the initiative through an open call procedure during the course of the project.

For more information on EUCAIM visit

European Commission Factsheet European Cancer Imaging Initiative and EUCAIM

European Commission Press Release on launch event of European Cancer Imaging Initiative, 23 January 2023

European Congress of Radiology 2022

The ongoing Covid-19 pandemic has affected all aspects of our societies and forced us to demonstrate our resiliency through constant innovation and adapting to new circumstances.

However, as we are learning how to better deal with this new adversary, so has a certain level of “normalcy” started to return to our lives. Things we took for granted in the past are now becoming much more appreciated, which is very much the case with the upcoming European Congress of Radiology (ECR 2022), being the first onsite ECR since the outbreak of the pandemic.

The European Congress of Radiology will return on March 2-6, 2022, for a SMART congress featuring onsite and online activities showcasing the very best science from the world of medical imaging.

“The theme of ECR 2022 will be ‘Building Bridges’ and with this I am encouraging our field to diversify and adapt its approach to healthcare, in order to improve the patient outcome”, states ESR President, Prof. Regina Beets-Tan. “Next year’s congress is all about finding common ground and sharing scientific developments with clinicians, global healthcare stakeholders and industry leaders”.

The ECR 2022 Scientific Programme will be packed with informative highlights, insightful sessions including multidisciplinary teaching, and interactive features covering a wide range of topics. It will provide entertainment and education for all attendees, no matter their subspecialty or knowledge level, and no matter whether they attend in person or online. Inspired by the ECR 2022 motto ‘Building Bridges’, next year’s congress will feature Patients in Focus, an exclusive programme dedicated to the biggest stakeholder in medical imaging: the patient. Through a mixture of headline sessions, open discussions and brand-new session formats with multidisciplinary panel discussions, this series will focus on exploring and enhancing the relationship between medical imaging professionals and patients. Returning with style to an onsite format in 2022, the industry exhibition will showcase state-of-the-art technology and innovative services from medical imaging’s biggest and brightest companies.

ECR is at the same time a place of tradition and history, as well as science and style, interaction and innovation, diversity and inclusiveness. As such it will once again proudly present the importance of radiology to the world but at the same time serve as a symbol of our fortitude in face of adversity.


Online education as a new paradigm in learning

The effects of the global Covid-19 pandemic have had an unprecedented impact on the very core of our societies, causing profound changes to our personal and professional lives. We have witnessed a substantial paradigm shift affecting all aspects of the medical profession, including, perhaps more than any other area, the way we teach and the way we learn. In a very short time, online education has transformed from a somewhat useful addition into an essential tool for millions of healthcare professionals.

The European Society of Radiology (ESR) was quick to recognize the occurring changes as well as the numerous advantages of online education including flexibility, information accessibility, global reach, equity, innovation, and efficiency. Keeping true to its mission of promoting diagnostic and interventional radiology and associated disciplines through pre and postgraduate education, the ESR has introduced its new Premium Education Package which grants highly affordable access to all of the ESR’s core educational platforms. This unique product includes numerous ESR educational services such as Education on Demand Premium, with more than 450 courses from all areas of the training curriculum and the possibility to earn over 550 CME credits, Eurorad, offering more than 7,000 peer-reviewed case reports, and ESR Connect, with over 950 hours of education including ECR 2021, live ESOR courses and much more.

By introducing this easily accessible treasure trove of knowledge, the ESR re-iterated its commitment to facilitating access to state-of-the-art knowledge and consequently enhancing the quality of care for patients.

Looking forward, the flexibility and learning possibilities that have emerged from necessity should be seen as an opportunity to reimagine how education could be delivered. Online education will certainly co-exist with traditional education to provide more education options, promote education equity, and enhance education innovation, and the global radiological community is indubitably going to embrace the ESR’s dynamic approach to learning that offers highest quality education to the radiologists of the future. ESR provides special offers to radiological leaders who wish to grant their team access to the ESR Premium Education Package and make them profit from the ESR educational portfolio.


EU’s cancer policy and the ESR’s engagement

At European Union level, things are moving forward in terms of healthcare and cancer care policy. After the new leadership took over in 2019, with a new Commissioner for Health dedicated to the fight against cancer responsible for the EU’s healthcare agenda, a Europe’s Beating Cancer Action Plan is now to be adopted at the end of 2020 with the aim to reduce the cancer burden, based on the pillars of prevention, early diagnosis, treatment and follow-up care. The new EU funding programme for Research and Innovation, Horizon Europe, also includes a specific focus on the disease with the establishment of a “Cancer mission” to make funds available for research on health challenges, pool expertise and identify priority areas.

In the European Union (EU), screening is only recommended for breast, cervical and colorectal cancers when offered as part of a national or regional organised programme. Therefore, the European Society of Radiology built on the Europe’s Beating Action Plan’s ambition to investigate other types of screening. Indeed, it put forward the benefits of lung cancer screening by exchanging with relevant stakeholders, organising policy events, and publishing scientific and position papers. The ESR regularly contributes to EU-wide public consultations that are launched by the European Commission on initiatives in the area of cancer, emphasising the role of diagnosis, education and training, and research in the fight against the disease.

The European Society of Radiology’s 1st Vice-President, Prof. Beets-Tan, has also been nominated as a board member of the Horizon Europe cancer mission. This enables the European Society of Radiology to further ensure that medical imaging is highlighted as a strong driver to improve cancer prevention, detection and care in each EU Member State. Furthermore, the ESR has been a member of the European Cancer Organisation since May 2016. Through its membership, the ESR seeks to influence cancer policy in Europe and relay the imaging perspective via the organisation’s policy activities and advocacy towards the EU. The ESR is also actively involved in the European Commission Initiative on Breast Cancer (ECIBC), and contributes to the development of recommendations and guidelines on breast cancer screening and diagnosis.

The European Parliament established a Special Committee on Beating Cancer (BECA) and a Special Committee on Artificial Intelligence in the Digital Age (AIDA) in September 2020. A EU4Health funding programme was also put forward in response to the COVID19 pandemic. These new EU initiatives are additional opportunities for the European Society of Radiology to strengthen its advocacy work at EU level to ensure that the voices of radiologists and patients are heard in all policies. Moreover, they offer territory to continue highlighting that research excellence relies on an efficient uptake of AI with common standards for data acquisition and analysis, and underlining the importance of harmonising professional qualifications in Europe.

As regards research, the ESR European Imaging Biomarkers Alliance (EIBALL) aims to facilitate imaging biomarker development, standardisation and promote their use in clinical trials and in clinical practice by collaborating with specialist societies, international standards agencies and trials organisations to develop a network of excellence. In a recent paper, the important role of quantitative imaging biomarkers derived from medical images has been described, informing on disease detection, characterisation and treatment response. In addition, their potential to provide objective decision-support tools in the management pathway of patients has been highlighted. Also, the group set up an open-access biomarkers inventory  as a reference for researchers and trialists, listing what biomarkers exist and what evidence for their use exists, so that these biomarkers can be incorporated into clinical trials so as to start building an evidence base.


ESR’s activities in the fight against COVID-19

In this global fight against the Coronavirus pandemic, when radiologists around the world are being faced with unprecedented challenges, the ESR sees it as its duty to foster scientific exchange and connect colleagues currently fighting at the forefront.

In light of this, the ESR has developed a strategic approach with several tools to support the fight against the pandemic, such as the dedicated COVID-19 Resource Hub for radiologists that contains vital information on guidelines, publications, research, and support measures, including papers, case collection of COVID-19 images, research funding etc. The contents are being continuously updated thus keeping up with the latest developments.

Increased connectivity and information exchange have proven to be vital when dealing with a threat on which so far little is known. For this reason the ESR strives to foster further discussion among imaging professionals through various online channels such as the dedicated ESR Twitter discussion thread.

In order to provide further support to radiologists around the world fighting this emergency, the ESR made its online educational platforms ESR Connect and Education on Demand freely available for a duration of 4 weeks, which allow access to a wealth of video content, recorded lectures, literature, and educational courses.

Finally, the ESR provides a platform for leading scientists to present their latest findings related to the ongoing pandemic, such as the  lecture by Dr Josef Penninger, one of the world’s leading geneticists and molecular immunologists, as well as for experts from the most affected regions in Europe to give their valuable insights on imaging workflows, staff protection, prevention measures, and department management in our immensely popular ESR Connect episodes  of radiology fighting COVID-19.


Children in Focus

At ECR 2020, the European Society of Radiology (ESR), in cooperation with the European Society of Paediatric Radiology (ESPR), will be organising ‘Children in Focus’. This unique programme follows last year’s highly popular ‘Women in Focus’ programme and will explore a variety of healthcare and social issues affecting children and adolescents. The programme was envisaged by ESR President Prof. Boris Brkljačić (HR) and has been developed by Dr. Lil-Sofie Ording Müller (NO) and Dr. Catherine Owens (UK).

The vision behind ‘Children in Focus’, and the ‘In Focus’ project more generally, is to expand the engaging and relevant non-scientific offerings for attendees of ECR. With an emphasis on interactivity with the audience, the ‘In Focus’ programme also aims to stimulate discussion on those areas of healthcare that often go undiscussed during a medical professional’s daily practice, but are nonetheless of great importance in the wider context of healthcare delivery.

In developing the programme, the organisers selected topics that are relevant to a wide range of medical professionals and not just paediatric radiologists. For this reason, ‘Children in Focus’ centres less on scientific developments in paediatric medicine and more on issues that relate to children’s health issues on a broader, global scale. Such issues include examining universal policy and development goals for children’s health, exploring the challenges of using imaging in cases of child abuse, and discussing strongly debated contemporary issues such as consent, data use, and the moral and medicolegal dilemmas we face when treating children. For a detailed overview of the programme and speakers, click here.

Alongside the ‘Children in Focus’ sessions, ECR 2020 will also see an array of additional initiatives centred around children. These include collaboration with local children’s hospitals, the publication of a children’s book about radiology, and the organisation of an ECR Grand Finale with child speakers.




International Society of Radiology (ISR)

Update on ISR activities: Value Based Radiology, Sustainability, and Artificial Intelligence

In line with its mission to facilitate the endeavors of its member organizations to improve patient care and population health through medical imaging, the ISR has continued its efforts to promote radiological quality and safety and to bring high quality radiological education to underserved areas.

After a COVID-19 related break, the ISR organized again a successful International Congress of Radiology – ICR 2023, March 15-17, hosted by the Egyptian Society of Radiology & Nuclear Medicine (ESRNM) in Hurghada, Egypt. Thanks to the highly reputed international speakers, moderators and program committee members, the professionalism of the organizing team and the enthusiasm of the participants, the congress enabled fruitful scientific exchange and discussions.

The ISR, as Non-State Actor (NSA) in official relations with the WHO, coordinated a constituency statement supporting a WHA Resolution On Strengthening Diagnostics Capacity, which passed at the WHA in May 2023. The statement was supported by 10 NSAs in official relations with the WHO, covering the imaging and medical technology communities.

The ISR is among the supporting organizations of the Lancet Oncology Commission on Medical Imaging and Nuclear Medicine. Follow-up activities to ensure dissemination and implementation are underway.

ISR Executive Committee members have co-authored the paper A paradigm shift in point-of-care imaging in low-income and middle-income countries, published in eClinicalMedicine in July 2023.

As an NSA with the WHO, the ISR co-organized a webinar on the topic of Engaging patients for medical radiation safety on September 18, on the occasion of World Patient Safety Day.

The ISR acted as platinum sponsor of the 1st Summer School on AI for Medical Imaging in Africa (AFRICAI/Summer School), which was held online from September 11-16 and gave rise to further opportunities of collaboration and support.

The ISR contributed multiple lectures at the World Federation of Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology (WFUMB) Congress in Oman, November 3-5, 2023, attended by over 1,000 participants. ISR was also represented at the regional conference “Quality Assurance in Radiation Medicine for Sustainable Health Care” held in Kingston, Jamaica, organized by IAEA and the Jamaican Association of Physics in Medicine, where the ISR’s activities were presented to a multidisciplinary audience. The ISR will furthermore contribute to a regional Breast Imaging course to be organized by the IAEA in St. Vincent and the Grenadines in 2024.




Radiological Society of North America (RSNA)

RSNA Identifies Strategies to Combat the Workforce Shortage

The workforce shortage in healthcare is a complex challenge that impacts every facet of the industry. Nearly half of RSNA’s 2024 Emerging Issues Grant applications were submitted to the category of addressing radiology’s workforce shortage. Although there is no simple solution, RSNA has identified several strategies for improving this challenge including leveraging AI in radiology, improving diversity within the field, and exploring the role of physician extenders.

Leveraging AI in Radiology – RSNA thought leaders are working on several fronts to support the radiology community in assessing, understanding and integrating practical AI tools.

Diversifying the Radiology Workforce —  Diversity in healthcare improves health equity for patients. Increased diversity in radiology also improves the workforce through broader appeal and recruitment. RSNA promotes diversity through various activities.

  • Diversity, Equity and Inclusion programming at the annual meeting.
  • Thought leadership and guidance on cultivating a diverse radiology workforce through webinars, articles, and online at RSNA EdCentral.
  • RSNA was the first radiology organization to require unconscious bias training for all leaders, including committee chairs, editorial boards and program planners.
  • R&E Foundation research grants for medical students.

Exploring the Role of Physician Extenders — Some radiology practices already utilize physician extenders as members of the care team. However, the optimal role of physician extenders in the radiology practice relative to the workforce shortage has not yet been fully explored.

Addressing the workforce shortage challenge will require a multifaceted approach. RSNA is a global leader in driving these strategies forward to build a strong radiology workforce ready to meet the evolving needs and demands of healthcare.

For more information, visit

From Data to Practice: RSNA Expands AI Initiatives

AI applications in medical imaging are transforming the health care industry with the potential to improve patient care, while elevating the work and role of the radiologist. The strategic integration of AI into the practice of radiology also presents an opportunity to reduce the impractical workload many are experiencing and mitigate workforce shortages. To support our community’s utilization of AI, RSNA has significantly extended its focus on AI initiatives, providing multi-faceted opportunities and programming for all levels.

The RSNA Imaging AI Certificate program offers both foundational and advanced level certificates and is expanding into sub-specialty certificates. This radiology-centered AI certificate program blends an online case-based learning curriculum with practice application. In addition to the certificate programs, several AI-focused Spotlight courses have been held throughout the world.

RSNA’s data challenges engage the radiology community to develop datasets that provide the standard of truth in training AI systems to perform tasks relevant to diagnostic imaging. The 2023 Abdominal Trauma Detection AI Challenge explores whether artificial intelligence can aid in the detection and classification of traumatic abdominal injuries. More than 1,700 teams from around the world participated in the Screening Mammography Breast Cancer Detection challenge. This challenge tasked teams to develop artificial intelligence models that can accurately detect breast cancer from mammography images, potentially assisting radiologists in making more timely diagnoses. Past challenges and competition results are available on

RSNA continues to partner on the Medical Imaging and Data Resource Center (MIDRC), focusing on collecting and publishing broad and diverse annotated datasets. 150,000 exams, many of which RSNA contributed, are now publicly available to researchers and data scientists.

RSNA also continues to explore the impact of Chat GPT and other large language models on radiology, education, and patient care.

More information about RSNA’s AI initiatives is available on

(12/23) Continues to Expand Patient Education Efforts, a collaborative partnership between RSNA and ACR, is a website designed to provide high-quality, patient education on radiology to the general public. The joint Committee focuses on explaining, in patient-friendly language, how various radiological exams are performed, how to prepare for exams, how to understand reports and other radiological concepts that patients often encounter.

This patient-focused website contains more than 260 procedure, exam and disease descriptions covering diagnostic and interventional radiology, nuclear medicine, radiation therapy and radiation safety and is updated frequently with new information.

The majority of the information on is available in English and Spanish. In addition, for added accessibility, the “Your Radiologist Explains” videos now provide full text captioning for the deaf and hard of hearing.

The joint Committee plans to expand the “How to Read Your [procedure] Report” articles and videos with ten new topics. The first new article soon to be available will be “How to Read Your Abdominal and Pelvic CT Report.”

All material on the website is reviewed and approved by experts in the field of radiology from RSNA and ACR, as well as other professional radiology organizations.

These patient resources support radiologists throughout the world in communicating with and educating patients about common radiology exams, procedures and safety topics. As we know, today’s patients use the Internet to better understand their health conditions and treatments. The site is a valuable resource for patients before and during diagnosis and often throughout treatment. serves busy radiologists by providing high-quality, credible and trusted patient information to support and reinforce what radiologists already provide to patients and referring physicians through reports and consultations.

Radiologists, institutions and medical societies are encouraged to add a link to on their websites in an effort to reach more patients with helpful and credible information.



RSNA Global Learning Centers Regain Momentum as Pandemic Improves

RSNA’s Global Learning Center (GLC) program is pleased to announce that the first (GLC) in Asia will be hosted by Ciptomangunkusumo National Referral Hospital at the University of Indonesia (FKUI/RSCM) in Jakarta in 2023. By partnering with established radiology departments based in low- or middle-resourced countries to create the Global Learning Centers, RSNA aims to work in accompaniment with the host sites to improve radiology education and patient care around the world. The goal is that through these valuable collaborations, RSNA GLCs become regional hubs for excellence in radiology education. Over a three-year period, a team of RSNA members work in close consultation with the GLC’s local experts to develop and deliver a customized educational plan, including a curriculum with hands-on training, didactic lectures, conferences, online courses and other education offerings. Equipment and technical assistance are also provided based on the needs of the site. “We look forward to working together to create a custom radiology curriculum for the GLC that addresses the educational needs of the Jakarta region,” said Umar Mahmood, MD, PhD, RSNA Board Liaison for International Affairs.

The GLC Program will serve as the basis for a new fellowship program. “As an RSNA Global Learning Center, FKUI/RSCM will start the first radiology fellowship programs in Indonesia for women’s and abdominal imaging,” said Reyhan Eddy Yunus, MD, FKUI/RSCM GLC onsite program director. “These programs will help offer state-of-the-art care and aim to become the benchmark for fellowships in the region.”

The inaugural RSNA GLC launched in early 2020 at Stellenbosch University near Cape Town, South Africa. Since then, GLCs have opened at Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences (MUHAS) in Tanzania and Hospital Metropolitano in Quito, Ecuador.

To learn more about the RSNA Global Learning Centers program, visit


RSNA Announces Ecuador as Next RSNA Global Learning Center

Call for Applications to Serve on RSNA GLC Team

In 2019, RSNA launched the Global Learning Center (GLC) program, an initiative that is designed to expand radiology education and improve patient care around the world. Through this program, RSNA partners with established radiology departments based in low- or middle-income countries to create the GLCs. Through the GLC program, over a three-year period, a team of RSNA members works with the GLC to develop a customized educational plan, including a curriculum with hands-on training, didactic lectures, conferences, online courses and other education offerings. Based on the needs of the host site, equipment and technical assistance are also provided. 

“The Global Learning Centers program offers a unique opportunity to develop a tailored education program, based on the specific needs and requirements of the host community,” said Umar Mahmood, MD, PhD, RSNA Board Liaison for International Affairs.

The inaugural RSNA GLC launched in early 2020 at Stellenbosch University near Cape Town, South Africa. A second GLC opened at Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences (MUHAS) in Tanzania in September 2020. The goal is that RSNA GLCs become regional hubs for excellence in radiology education.

RSNA recently announced that Hospital Metropolitano in Quito, Ecuador, will be the next GLC host location. The curriculum will feature musculoskeletal (MSK) and cardiothoracic imaging. “We plan to create a valuable radiology curriculum for the GLC that will offer a robust education program tailored to the needs of South America and the Quito region,” said Dr. Mahmood.

RSNA has issued a call for applications to join the Hospital Metropolitano GLC team. RSNA member radiologists with subspecialties in MSK and cardiothoracic imaging are needed. Proficiency in Spanish is preferred but not required.

RSNA also seeks team members for the other two GLCs. MSK and cardiothoracic radiologists are needed for the Stellenbosch University GLC, and radiologists specializing in women’s imaging or neuroradiology are needed at MUHAS.

The application deadline for all three GLC teams is November 23, 2021. To learn more about this initiative, GLC team member requirements, or to apply to be an RSNA GLC team member, please visit


Radiology Coalition Aims to Improve Healthcare Equity

Healthcare inequities in the United States have been well-documented for more than a decade. At the national level, the CDC and others have examined disparities in deaths and illness, healthcare utilization, behavioral risk factors for disease, environmental hazards, and social determinants of health.

Over the past year and a half, particularly with coronavirus disproportionately affecting some racial and ethnic minority groups, the issue of healthcare inequities has taken sharp focus, demanding both attention and action.

RSNA is proud to join the American College of Radiology, American Board of Radiology, American Roentgen Ray Society, Association of University Radiologists, Society of Chairs of Academic Radiology Departments and Society of Interventional Radiology to form the Radiology Health Equity Coalition (RHEC). Because medical imaging touches most patients at some point, radiologists are uniquely positioned to help eliminate inequities in healthcare. The RHEC brings together the radiology community to address health disparities and measurably change outcomes, ensuring that all patients have access to high value imaging care. The RSNA Board committed to the RHEC as one of many diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives supporting RSNA’s Strategic Plan and core values.

RSNA has appointed Jinel Scott, MD, as its representative to the RHEC. “In 1966, Martin Luther King Jr. said, ‘Of all the forms of inequity, injustice in health care is the most shocking and inhumane,’” Dr. Scott said. “Radiology has a role in addressing inequities in healthcare and I am proud to represent RSNA as a part of the Radiology Health Equity Coalition.” Dr. Scott is a clinical assistant professor in the Department of Radiology at SUNY Downstate Health Sciences University, and director of emergency imaging, quality and patient safety services at Kings County Hospital Center, both in New York City.

RSNA looks forward to serving on the coalition and beginning the important work of developing a roadmap for radiology’s role in eliminating inequities in healthcare. Stay tuned to for more information on RHEC activities and resources and opportunities to support these efforts.

Related resources


RSNA Responds to COVID-19 Crisis with Research, Education, and Community

As COVID-19 began to spread across the globe, RSNA responded in the way it does best – by disseminating the latest research, providing education, and connecting radiologists. Radiology led the way with the first images of the novel coronavirus published on January 31, 2020. Since then, Radiology has received over 600 papers, and is publishing COVID-19 articles within three to seven days of submission.

RSNA is responding to the critical needs of radiologists, who need to prepare their departments and practices, assist with diagnoses, and support other imaging professionals. As in-person meetings are canceled, RSNA is developing digital education, webinars and micro-learning opportunities to disseminate the best current knowledge about COVID-19. New peer-reviewed cases of COVID-19 from around the world are being published in the RSNA Case Collection each week. This unique diagnostic resource is helping radiologists understand disease progression over time and study cases with varying degrees of severity.

RSNA is building an open COVID-19 Imaging Data Repository through collaborative partnerships. The image hosting, annotation and analysis framework will enable researchers to understand epidemiological trends and to generate new AI algorithms. To date, RSNA has interest from over 150 institutions in 46 countries. All interested parties are invited to join the initiative through this survey.

Finally, RSNA launched a new online forum to connect the radiology community with peer-to-peer support and useful resources for managing the COVID-19 crisis. The COVID-19 Community will enable exchange of ideas and solutions, connect people with experts and resources, and foster the feeling of community that is needed now, more than ever.

All RSNA resources on COVID-19 are available free of charge at


Artificial Intelligence

Because artificial intelligence (AI) is destined to improve the value radiologists bring to patients, the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) is committed to the rational development and deployment of AI algorithms into radiology practice. The Society offers a wide array of initiatives that provide the knowledge, training, community, and tools necessary to enable medical imaging professionals to integrate AI into their practice safely and ethically.

To support AI education, RSNA’s annual meeting offers more than 200 AI-related courses, education exhibits, scientific sessions, and hands-on workshops. The meeting offers a breadth of learning opportunities that range from scientific sessions highlighting foundational and complex research, to refresher courses featuring introductory and practical applications of AI. RSNA’s AI Showcase provides a forum for AI industry, laboratories, implementers, users, and future users, to deepen their knowledge and experience the future of AI in radiology firsthand.

RSNA drives innovation in AI through its popular annual AI Challenges, designed to engage the data science community and to spur the creation of AI tools for radiology.  These data challenges also empower the radiology community to develop datasets useful for training AI systems that perform clinically relevant tasks.  The 2019 AI Challenge focused on detection and classification of intracranial hemorrhage on head CT. More than 1200 teams competed to accurately detect and classify hemorrhage on over 25,000 head CTs labeled by 60 expert neuroradiologists from the American Society of Neuroradiology.  The winners were recognized in the AI Showcase Theater during the Annual Meeting.

The RSNA R&E Foundation’s competitive grant program also is instrumental to developing new AI insights, providing nearly $500,000 for AI research and education in 2019 alone, with plans to award $500,000 to support AI Education projects in 2020.

Most recently, RSNA launched an online AI Community that provides a central forum for idea exchange, networking, Q&A, and collaboration throughout the year. The new AI Community is open to all who are interested in learning about and discussing exciting AI innovations in medical imaging. Beyond education, research, innovation, and networking, the Society leads and supports the development of the standards and tools necessary to integrate AI into clinical practice.

RSNA is proud to continue its strong support for AI research and education, while building the workforce, technology, and standards that accelerate AI innovation in radiology.

For more information about RSNA’s AI initiatives, visit


RSNA Aims to Improve Patient Care Globally Through Education Outreach

In 2019, the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) launched the Global Learning Center (GLC) program with a goal to improve radiology education and patient care in underserved regions throughout the world. Through the GLC program, RSNA partners with established radiology departments based in low- or middle-income countries with a demonstrated need for radiology education and resources. Over a three-year period, an RSNA team of volunteers works with the GLC host site to develop a customized educational plan including a curriculum with hands-on training, didactic lectures, conferences, online courses, and other educational offerings. Equipment and technical assistance are also provided based on the needs of the institution.

The first RSNA GLC program was launched in July 2020 at Stellenbosch University in Cape Town, South Africa. Due to the pandemic, the program was adapted to launch and run virtually until in-person participation and travel become safe again.

Earlier this year, RSNA was honored to be awarded a grant by the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) to develop a Global Learning Center (GLC) in Sub-Saharan Africa. The grant is designed to facilitate access to the peaceful uses of nuclear energy, including for medical purposes. In fulfillment of the grant, the Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences (MUHAS) in Daar Es Salaam, Tanzania, was selected as the second GLC site.

“The Global Learning Centers program offers a unique opportunity to develop education based on the specific needs of the host community,” said Umar Mahmood, MD, PhD, RSNA Board Liaison for International Affairs. “We are able to tap into RSNA resources and provide a team of dedicated volunteers to create a comprehensive, dynamic curriculum for the GLC.”

To learn more about the RSNA Global Learning Centers program, visit




World Federation for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology (WFUMB)

WFUMB Update

WFUMB is continuing to fulfil its mission to bring sustainable ultrasound initiatives to the underserved areas of the world with the expansion of our outreach program. WFUMB is engaged with our twenty-one Centres of Education (CoEs) across five continents through enduring educational and financial support. WFUMB should not only lead in the delivery of content to the CoEs but also have robust processes in place to assess competency in skills and knowledge of those we teach and train. WFUMB is not only a global voice for safe ultrasound use but also advocates for improved patient care and outcomes with ultrasound at the cornerstone of management. WFUMB will look into if remote access ultrasound can help train sonographers, nurses or doctors in underserved areas.


News from the WFUMB

WFUMB has set up a task force group to update its constitution and bylaws to reflect better governance. The suggested changes were voted for at the last general assembly. A few updates are highlighted below.

  • Measures to ensure equality, diversity, and fairness were embedded and the terms of officers were limited to ensure a more inclusive organization.
  • A 5-year strategic plan with objectives for WFUMB to be updated annually was agreed upon.
  • A new Bylaws Complaints Committee was designed to ensure that complaints are dealt with effectively in accordance with the procedures set out for the implementation of this policy.
  • It was also decided that the Federation Journal Editors in Chief should be included as ex officio members of the publication committee.
  • A conflict of interests document was established defining the conflicts that could affect officers and committee members.
  • WFUMB recommends advisors to support the Treasurer, Accountant, Auditors and Investment Managers in the selection and direction for investments

Other important news includes a new open access journal launched with Manjiri Dighe as Editor in Chief. The existing journal, Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology, has increased its impact factor to 3.694 with Editor in Chief Paul Sidhu.

Recordings from a successful congress in Timisoara, Romania, are going to be available for free download on the WFUMB website soon.


Ultrasound, the Best

Promoting the best use of ultrasound is another important role of WFUMB in addition to encouraging the widespread availability of ultrasound throughout the world. WFUMB adopted a new slogan ‘Ultrasound, the best’ to emphasize the unique problem-solving capability of ultrasound, which is better than any other imaging modalities. We are having a campaign to share cases that well explain this slogan ‘Ultrasound, the best’. WFUMB member societies are participating in this campaign by encouraging their members to submit and share their ‘Ultrasound, the best’ cases through the WFUMB website. Some member societies hold ‘Ultrasound, the best’ cases competition session during their congresses.

Initiatives to Keep Ultrasound Safe During the COVID-19 Pandemic

In December 2019, the first case of “a new virus” was described in China. It quickly spread to the entire planet and became identified as severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) and was declared a Public Health Emergency of International Concern on 30 January 2020. The virus is mainly spread between people in close contact, by coughing, sneezing, or even talking. Infection is also possible when touching contaminated surfaces and then one’s face, hence the importance of frequent handwashing and need to adjust medical practice, in general and radiology departments in particular as well as other hospital departments utilizing ultrasound (such as obstetrics and gynecology, emergency medicine, cardiology and more). Medical personnel were faced with unexpected large number of very sick patients. Ultrasound quickly became the main diagnostic procedure for lung disease secondary to the infection. Medical practices were confronted with new challenges: how to continue performing studies, while keeping the patients and the practitioners safe and how to clean the machines and rooms to maintain a clean environment. Generally, while performing ultrasound, even in a busy practice, the risk of cross infection between patients is low (for scans performed on intact skin) and the practitioners are not at risk (except for respiratory infections, such as the flu). However, given the high infectivity of the corona virus, new protocols must be instituted.

Several national and international scientific societies quickly prepared statements on how to safely practice during the pandemic. A very early one was the Correct COVID-19 safety equipment video made by the chief of ultrasound department of Leishenshan hospital, Wuhan, China (available on YouTube1). One of the first to be published online ( was the World Federation for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology’s Position Statement: How to perform a safe ultrasound examination and clean equipment in the context of COVID-192, quickly translated into Russian, French and Japanese. Simultaneously, the International Society of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology (ISUOG) published several statements on its website, specific for Ob/Gyn: ISUOG Safety Committee Position Statement: safe performance of obstetric and gynecological scans and equipment cleaning in the context of COVID‐193, Statement on use of personal protective equipment and hazard mitigation in relation to SARS-CoV-2 for practitioners undertaking obstetric and gynecological ultrasound4, on rationalization of gynecological ultrasound services in context of SARS-CoV-25, on rationalization of early-pregnancy care and provision of ultrasonography in context of SARS-CoV-26, on organization of routine and specialist obstetric ultrasound services in the context of COVID-197, many of them immediately translated in various languages, for instance, Spanish8. The American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine (AIUM) also published guidelines for general ultrasound: Guidelines for Cleaning and Preparing External- and Internal-Use Ultrasound Transducers and Equipment Between Patients as well as Safe Handling and Use of Ultrasound Coupling Gel9; Quick Guide on COVID-19 Protections — Ultrasound Transducers, Equipment, and Gel10; Quick Guide on COVID-19 Protections — Patient and Ultrasound Provider Protection11.The World Health Organization (WHO) also prepared a safety document: Rational use of personal protective equipment for coronavirus disease 201912.

An important document regarding point of care ultrasound (POCUS) can be found on the American Society of Echography website13. There are also many guidelines on performance of diagnostic studies during the Covid-19 pandemic on the American College of Radiology website14 and the RSNA website, in particular, for instance: Radiology Department Preparedness for COVID-19: Radiology Scientific Expert Panel15. Another potential source of information can be found in the websites of various ultrasound companies.

There are in addition, many guidelines, either as documents or webinars, regarding approaches to the diagnosis of the disease and its complications, for instance from the European Society of Cardiology ( COVID-19: how to use and interpret lung ultrasound16, the European Society of Radiology ( COVID-19 patients and the Radiology department –advice from the European Society of Radiology (ESR) and the European Society of Thoracic Imaging (ESTI)17, and from the Society and College of Radiographers ( SoR Covid-19 information and resources18 . Further resources can also be found at the Australasian Society for Ultrasound in Medicine website (, the European Federation of Societies for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology (

There are 5 major aspects of practicing diagnostic imaging during the COVID-19 pandemic:

  1. Triage of patients: each practice/institution must prioritize exams in emergent, urgent and elective (i.e. can be deferred)
  2. Protecting the patient and ultrasound providers by stressing hand hygiene, personal protective equipment (respirator or facemask, eye protection, gloves, gowns)
  3. Preparing and cleaning the ultrasound room: thorough cleaning with low-level disinfectant (LLD), including all elements (such as closet knobs, computer, door handles etc)
  4. Ultrasound equipment disinfection: clean all elements (except transducers, see below) of the ultrasound machine with LLD between each patient
  5. Transducer cleaning: keep number of transducers attached to the machine to a minimum; ultrasound transducers that come into contact with intact skin can be cleaned and disinfected by LLD; ultrasound transducers that come into contact with non-intact skin, blood, body fluids and mucous membranes (transvaginal, transrectal) require high-level disinfection (HLD); ultrasound transducers that are used for invasive procedures (e.g. needle guidance during biopsies, aspirations, drainages) require sterilization. For details, see for instance references 2, 9, 10, 14.

Practices across the world have adopted or adapted various recommendations, corresponding to their local circumstances. 




Ultrasound Safety

WFUMB considers safety an important aspect of the practice of ultrasound. This encompasses two elements: bioeffects of ultrasound and safety; and safe practice of cleaning transducers between patients. The first issue is monitored by WFUMB’s Safety Committee who follows the scientific and lay literature and responds to the published reports. In addition, the Committee recommends statements to be reviewed and approved by the Administrative Council for publication on the WFUMB website and in Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology (UMB). The second aspect is transducers’ cleaning. WFUMB published a document on transducer cleaning, but this became particularly important in this time of the SARS-CoV-2, also known as the COVID-19 pandemic. WFUMB was one of the first organizations to publish a statement on its website, translated in several languages, thanks to individuals in affiliated Federations and subsequently printed in UMB, on how to perform a safe ultrasound examination and clean equipment in the context of COVID-19.


COE handheld devices

WFUMB has recently decided to donate an ultrasound handheld device to participating Centers of Education (COEs). There are currently 19 COEs distributed around the world (please visit to see more). As the main purpose of WFUMB is to bring sustainable ultrasound to all regions of the world and only 1/3 of the World’s population has access to medical imaging, we hope these handheld devices will offer the possibility of medical imaging on a larger scale in the future.

Handheld devices have been described in many papers, and position papers have been published by many societies including the European Federation for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology (ref. Nielsen MB et al. Ultraschall Med. 2019;40). In most publications results are encouraging especially for point of care ultrasound.


Ultrasound, the Best Webpage

The mission of WFUMB is to improve global healthcare through collaboration, communication and education. The latest WFUMB initiative to encourage this is a new site on the webpage named “Ultrasound, the best”. Here readers are encouraged to submit cases where ultrasound plays an important role in diagnosing or treating patients. The submitters of the five best “Ultrasound the best cases” selected by the WFUMB Executive Bureau will be awarded by an invitation to the WFUMB 2021 Congress. For further information please visit:

This initiative adds to the already existing “Case of the Month”, where readers are encouraged to submit interesting ultrasound cases. The latter page has been restructured as a quiz to encourage readers to test their knowledge and to increase their learning curve. Please visit:




World Molecular Imaging Society (WMIS)

Optical Surgical Navigation: An Interest Group to help drive Standardization, Collaboration, and Regulatory Approvals

Optical imaging methods have significant potential as effective intraoperative tools to visualize biochemical events in cells and tissues. Optical imaging can provide real-time assessment of tumor margins, guiding the surgeon to adequately resect the tumor while sparing critical tissues.  To achieve acceptance and utilization, several barriers in the field will need to be addressed such as standardization, further development of instruments and dyes as well as regulatory approvals.  To begin to address this, the World Molecular Imaging Society created the Optical Surgical Navigation (OSN) interest group bringing together Radiologists, Scientists, Engineers, and Surgeons. The OSN interest group is committed to holding annual workshops that promote collaboration, discussion and active dialog with regulatory agencies. It is the goal of WMIS through the OSN interest group to facilitate those involved in the development of optical imaging to come together on a global scale to identify priorities.  Our forum has the unique opportunity to set these global standards and work with the relevant organizations and authorities to implement them.


The WMIS is dedicated to developing and promoting translational research through multimodality molecular imaging. The education and abstract-driven WMIC is the annual meeting of the WMIS and provides a unique setting for scientists and clinicians with very diverse backgrounds to interact, present, and follow cutting-edge advances in the rapidly expanding field of molecular imaging that impacts nearly every biomedical discipline. Industry exhibits at the congress included corporations who have created the latest advances in preclinical and clinical imaging approaches and equipment, providing a complete molecular imaging educational technology showcase. For more information:





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